Children's Parties!

Discover Scuba Diving Party
With an experienced team of PADI Professionals, if you are looking for a fun and exciting way to celebrate your child's birthday, come to DiveMania Scuba for a session they won't forget!
Participants must be at least 8 years old, and be comfortable in the water.
We start off with a fun equipment and safety briefing, followed by up to an hour in the pool using scuba gear to play games underwater, practice buoyancy control swimming an obstacle course and even underwater frisbee!
We meet back at the classroom afterwards for sweets and certificates!
This costs £300 for up to 12 participants and each person will receive:
Discover Scuba Diving (10+) or Bubblemaker (8-10) experience
Certificate of completion
Scuba goodies to take away
£25 voucher off of any certification course
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